Servos & Simulation is a company that designs and develops products and services for various simulation needs. They offer precision actuators for full-flight trainers and technology for entertainment, simulation, and training devices. Their product lines include feedback control loader and motion base platform, which can be combined into a single package for FAA-certified trainers and full-flight training devices (FTD). The company also assists with design, installation, integration, and engineering, ensuring that their product line is seamlessly integrated into your system.

We have a full line of Feedback Control Loader Products for every level of FAA certification:

Model 300-X for up to FAA level 6

Model 400-X for up to FAA level D

Control Loader Software

3DOF, Motion base platforms, Vr, Virtual reality, Racing sim, Driving sim, Entertainment rides, Gaming, FFTD
6DOF, Motion base platforms, Vr, Virtual reality, Racing sim, Driving sim, Entertainment rides, Gaming