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Who are we...

At Servos & Simulation, we are dedicated to providing intelligent servo systems and cutting-edge technology for simulation and beyond, using the power of science, innovation, and forward-thinking engineering to be your world-class partner.

Servos & Simulation has been providing reliable products and services to its customers since pioneering the first all-electric digital control loader in 1990. The company has expanded its control loader line into motion base platforms using the same stable servo systems found on its control loaders.

Servos & Simulation is always thinking beyond the traditional approach and creating new solutions and services for its customers in all industries. The company believes in making ease of business with complete support and developing tools to assist its customers in every phase of the design process.

With over 40 years of experience in the simulation and aerospace industries, Servos & Simulation understands the complexities involved with requirement specifications, MIL-STD, and the like. The company always implements industry standards across its complete product line, easing this burden from the customer. Quality and safety are the foremost concerns of the company.

Mr. Baker, who started the company in 1980, has over 45 years of experience in the industry and is one of the foremost pioneers in the industry. He has brought some of the highest and most technologically advanced engineering to Aerospace, some of which is taken for granted in the industry and is used every day. With several patents in hand and more waiting to be granted, Mr. Baker is the leading inventor of new technology in this industry. From gimbal systems to stabilized platforms, Mr. Baker has either designed or repaired them and made them better than the original engineers ever hoped they would be.

Servos & Simulation has a staff that has been with the company for more than 30 years. Customers can rest assured that all products built and designed by Servos & Simulation will be thoroughly assembled, quality-checked, and ready to run out of the box for years and years to come.

Call us anytime with any questions that you might have!

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Our Client Portfolio Includes some of the biggest names in the industry:

